Books, Links, and More

We've compiled resources in both French and English, to give you the broadest possible range of available information. To see resources in French, click in the top right corner of the page.

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Children - About
As Big as it Gets: Supporting a Child when a Parent is Seriously Ill This booklet provides a range of ideas for parents and carers so that they feel able to involve their children in what is...
Deconstruction/Reconstruction: A grief journal for teens The Dougy Center's first journal specially created for grieving teens.   Whether a teen has experienced the death of a parent,...
Follow the Child: Planning and Having the Best End-of-Life Care for Your Child Drawing on her family's own experiences and those of other parents facing the death of a child from illness or a life-limiting...
Healing a Parent's Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas After Your Child Dies Presenting simple yet highly effective methods for coping and healing, this book provides answers and relief to parents trying...
Healing the Bereaved Child: Grief Gardening, Growth Through Grief and Other Touchstones for Caregivers This book written by Alan D. Wolfelt,  PhD, Grief Counsellor,  will help anyone who is working with children and teens who...
Living Dying: A Guide for Adults Supporting Grieving Children and Teenagers This is a practical handbook for parents and professionals supporting children and young people who have or will experience...
My Love Will Follow You There: Calming imagery for children facing death This book combines mindfulness with storytelling to create a peaceful way to say goodbye to a child who is facing death.
Parenting After the Death of a Child: A Practitioner's Guide In the aftermath of the death of a child, parents face the challenge of not only dealing with their own grief, but also that...
A Parent's Guide to Raising Grieving Children This book offers guidance for navigating through one of life's most painful experiences. It offers comfort and wisdom for...
The Private Worlds of Dying Children Stories of dying children and how they cope with illness.
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