Hi J.D.,
Sarah our Clinical Nurse Specialist gave me some additional information about morphine to share with everyone.
JD’s concern about the morphine speeding up the dying process is a common concern and I'm glad you shared the answer to ‘Does morphine make death come sooner?’ on the forums. Here's some additional information:
We also call this the “last dose phenomenon”- when medications are being given regularly to a dying person, someone will end up giving the “last dose”. This can feel worrisome, with concerns that the medication tipped the person towards dying. However, we know from the literature that proportionate doses of opioids administered for distress do not hasten dying, and point out that the "last dose" is typically the same as previous doses that were well tolerated.
If the context is one of symptom distress, the patient is typically alert and breathing more rapidly than normal...in such circumstances the tolerance for opioids is high. This is also seen in opioid-naïve patients presenting to emergency in severe pain; the stimulus itself produces the tolerance to opioids and results in the inherent safety in opioid administration.
In terms of resources, the ‘Pain’ article is good as there is a whole section on ‘opioids’ and ‘myths about opioids’.
There is also a booklet called ‘Pain Relief: A Guide for People with Cancer’ in the Books, Links and More section of our website but it doesn’t have anything about ‘myths of opioids’.