Boîte à outils

Notre équipe clinique vous présente des protocoles, des pratiques d’avant-garde et des outils de mesure et d’évaluation qui vous aideront dans votre pratique.

Documents de référence sur les médicaments
Delirium - B.C. Inter-professional Palliative Symptom Management Guidelines These best practice guidelines are a result of a collaboration of the following organizations:   The BC Centre for Palliative...
Dysphagia - B.C. inter-professional palliative symptom management guidelines These best practice guidelines are a result of a collaboration of the following organizations:   The BC Centre for Palliative...
Dyspnea - B.C. Inter-professional Palliative Symptom Management Guidelines These best practice guidelines are a result of a collaboration of the following organizations:   The BC Centre for Palliative...
Fatigue - B.C. Inter-professional Palliative Symptom Management Guidelines These best practice guidelines are a result of a collaboration of the following organizations:   The BC Centre for Palliative...
Hiccoughs - B.C. Inter-professional Palliative Symptom Management Guidelines These best practice guidelines are a result of a collaboration of the following organizations:   The BC Centre for Palliative...
Hospice and Palliative Care Formulary USA (second edition) A comprehensive compendium which brings together a wealth of essential therapeutic information about drugs commonly used...
How to Authorize Medical Cannabis in Canada Dr. Paul Daeninck provides an overview on How to Authorize Medical Cannabis in Canada. Also included is a brief overview of...
Intranasal Medication Administration Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) protocol on the use of the Mucosal Atomization Device (MAD) for intranasal medication...
Le cannabis au Canada Légalisation, effets sur la santé, dépendance, usage médical, licence industrielle, information aux consommateurs, emporter...
Medical Cannabis for Palliative Care Dr. Paul Daeninck provides an overview on Medical Cannabis for Palliative Care. Dr. Daeninck sits on the Board of Directors...
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