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Aidants naturels et prestation de soins
Taking Care of Caregivers (Alzheimer Society) After hours telephone support provided by the Alzheimer Society across Canada.    Phone: 1 866 797 0000
Taking Care of Your Loved One Information to help primary caregivers support and talk to their loved one about their wishes and arrange for their care.
Tendre la main en fin de vie Manuel d'information qui offre aux patients, aux familles ou aux aidants naturels, une gamme d’informations variées qui faciliteront...
Tyze: Connecting Care Free online tool that helps families stay organized and connected when they are caring for a family member.   Families can...
Un aidant naturel sur six éprouve de la détresse Selon une nouvelle étude publiée aujourd’hui par l’Institut canadien d’information sur la santé (ICIS), une personne sur...
Understanding Huntington Disease: A Resource for Families This guide covers a wide range of topics for family/friends. Available in English and French as a downloadable file, free...
What to do if a hemorrhage occurs: Information for patients and families This handout prepared by Victoria Hospice identifies some information and strategies for patients and families around handling...
Widowed Parent The Widowed Parent project is committed to supporting widowed mothers and fathers with children in the home. This website... Stress is a normal part of life, but at times it may be too much and feel out of control.   Good health, both physical and...
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