Little Stars: Accomplishing the Extraordinary in the Face of Serious Illness


Little Stars tells the surprisingly life-affirming stories of young people living with life-limiting illnesses. Against the odds these youngsters are making the most of every moment thanks to the support of their loved ones, working in harmony with passionate ‘palliative care’ teams.

Regrettably, not all conditions can be cured. However, many children with life-limiting conditions will live for years, if not decades. Currently, 20 million children can benefit from palliative care, but access remains an issue.

But for those who are receiving care, the results are incredible. These remarkable stories show young people finding hope, love, joy and attainment in the face of the inevitable.

Little Stars is a film you will never forget. Presented by acclaimed British actor David Suchet CBE, the raw power, insight and emotional honesty of this definitive human interest documentary will leave a lasting impression.

Filmed in USA, Australia, South Africa, Italy, Malaysia, England, Jordan, Russia, India, Greece and Germany.

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