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Alcoholic caregiver to person with cancer 
Started by Kateee
13 Jun 2018, 5:47 PM

My mother is an alcoholic and my step-father has Stage 4b Lymphoma. Her alcoholism has become more obvious and she is not coping, nor is she attending my step fathers appointments and is acting like this is all about her. I am very concerned about her behaviour, especially in light of on-going treatment and any side effects which could require a drive to the hospital, or making care decisions while intoxicated. I am strategizing a way to remove her from POA for personal care. That said, I am cautious about the "wrath" that she places on my step dad when we challenge her on her behaviour and how that impacts my stepfather when we are not present. Any thoughts on how best to proceed or coping strategies would be greatly appreciated. 
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08 Aug 2018, 6:24 PM

Hi Katee

Thank you for sharing this, it sounds like a tough situation. Your concern for your step-father is evident, wanting to make sure he is well cared for.
Likely in such a situation additional help is necessary. There are normally health care team members specifically designated to assist with situations as you described, often they are social workers or psychosocial specialists. A connection with these team members can often be made through the local cancer care or oncology clinic involved in your step-fathers care or through a health care provider directly involved in his care.

They are often great listeners and should be able to provide your family with some support and direction with this situation.

Wishing you well,
-Ogechi (CVH Discussion Forum Moderator)
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