A Really Practical Handbook of Children’s Palliative Care for Doctors and Nurses Anywhere in the World

Auteur Justin Amery

A Really Practical Handbook of Children’s Palliative Care for Doctors and Nurses Anywhere in the World offers really practical solutions to common problems faced by health professionals caring for dying children and their families, whatever their culture or socioeconomic circumstance. After spending more than twenty years caring for children with terminal diagnoses, Dr. Justin Amery has applied his hands-on experience and the fruits of his research to this compendium of practical advice.

The free ebook’s fifteen parts address not only the numerous practical matters that arise in offering palliative care to children, but also the intangible, yet vital, practices for communicating bad news, helping families with their emotional reactions, assisting children and their families with ethical and spiritual issues, and working with surviving family members as they grieve. The volume also includes, as an additional resource, the Association of Paediatric Palliative Medicine Formulary.

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