PEACH - Palliative Education and Care for the Homeless

Adresse Administrative Office: Inner City Health Associates 59 Adelaide St. E. 2nd floor
Ville Toronto
Province / Territoire / État Ontario
Code postal / Code postal américain M5C 1K6
Pays Canada
Téléphone 416-591-4410

PEACH is a supportive palliative service fostered by Inner City Health Associates (ICHA).  Aimed to meet the needs of homeless and vulnerably-housed patients with life-limiting illnesses, PEACH's focus lies with the pain, symptoms and psychosocial goals related to each and every patient's life's end. PEACH operates as a "trailblazing" mobile unit, providing attentive care on the streets, in shelters, and with community-based service in collaboration with Toronto Central CCAC (Community Care Access Centre).
Goals and Objectives
- To provide quality early, integrated and safe palliative care for the homeless and vulnerably housed populations with a focus on prioritizing dignity for all
- To support and be a resource to primary team members in: providing end of life care; managing basic and complex symptoms; accessing medications on the PCFA; ongoing support for patients followed by the service; assistance in the navigation of palliative care resources
- To educate and support mainstream palliative care services in Toronto to work effectively with homeless populations
- To increase competency of community homeless agencies to support clients facing end of life
- To advocate for accessible, high quality, early, integrated palliative care for homeless and vulnerably housed populations
- To advance the body of knowledge for delivery of palliative care for homeless and vulnerably housed patients

Community Nurse and PEACH Coordinator: Tel# 416-591-4410

For more information on the PEACH program, please email the PEACH Team's Dr. Naheed Dosani -

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